Friday, October 14, 2011


Blair and I decided to be financially responsible adults this evening and go out for a "cheap eats" dinner.  After some ridiculous sushi at Moca (yes, that was a shameless reference to my other blog), we made a quick stop at the grocery store. Note- these are the date nights you have once you are married. Before making it into the store, B bounded over to the Red Box to pick up a DVD.  His choice?  Transformers, the 1000th sequel.  Gross.

So I told him he was on his own for the night, and I settled in for a few hours of unrestricted control of the remote!!!!  I turned on T.L.C., you know "The Learning Channel."  All I have learned so far is that there is a dude who is married to like 5 chicks and he is wondering why his siblings are being so "judgy;" and there is a girl from Jersey that had to buy hair extensions for her wedding because she "has hair like cat fur."  Thanks T.L.C. for making me stupider... wait, that's not a word.  Crap, it's kicking in already.

Happy Friday!

Picture of the Sister Wives Family courtesy of the TLC website...

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