Sunday, November 17, 2013

13 Months

They say that "one is fun," and I have to agree, but phew…is it tiring!  The baby monkeys seem to have morphed from babies to toddlers this month.  I know it really didn't happen that fast, but it sure seems that way.  

We gave up formula and went to solid foods.  I was warned about almost everything with twins, but no one warned me about the transition to solid foods.  With 3 meals, 3-4 bottles of milk, and 1-2 snacks a day all times two, I am beginning to feel like a short order cook, and a crappy one at that.  My sweet little girls are food snobs.  What kid won't eat bread??  Put a grilled cheese in front of these two and prepare yourself for the blank stare of death and then the food toss. They also refuse to be fed from a spoon.  Translation: our floors are lined with plastic, there is oatmeal on the window blinds, the girls smell like the buffet at the Golden Corral, and I have their spinach and cheddar omelet in my hair. It ain't pretty. 

Spoon feed me?  Yeah, right!  I got this! 

Really Mom, oatmeal?  What is this, amateur hour?

On the flip side, the girls are very interactive!  It is so much fun playing with them and seeing them giggle at my funny faces and squeal during their favorite games.  They love having dance parties to music on the iPad. They are always playing together, which melts my heart.  

The toddler phase certainly is a whole new ballgame, but it is wonderful, and we are so thankful we get the chance to play.