Monday, June 10, 2013

8 Whole Months!

Our baby girls turned 8 whole months old today and once again I am wondering where the time went.

Michaela started sitting up all by herself (for the most part), and is dying to figure out the whole crawling thing.  She would also love to know how to walk, ride a bike and drive the car, but we'll save those lessons for her 9th month birthday. 

Those pesky teeth have been giving her a fit, and she has been chewing on everything!  Fortunately, her first tooth made it's appearance today, just in time for her 8 month birthday. 

Despite the woes of teething, she is still full of giggles and smiles...and spunk!

Reese had a few big developments this month.  She is finally rolling over consistently and is now able to maintain a standing position when we hold her hands.  She has also mastered the art of blowing raspberries and shaking her head "no!"  Great... Just don't forget to give her an adequate level of applause for her tricks. 

Those teeth have been getting the best of her too.  She managed a little smile later on. 

Despite all of these big changes, a few things stay the same:

Our girls are growing up far too quickly!

And Daddy is still the best thing in town!