Sunday, October 26, 2014

And Then They Turned Two

It happened in just a blink of an eye.  Our tiny little loves turned two.  I still fumble over the words when I say their age.  No more "xx months," now they are simply, yet wonderfully "2!"

Their second birthday party was a simple affair with homemade cupcakes and takeout pizza.  No real decorations, just all attention and effort spent on the two little girls that have turned our lives into a world of craziness, silliness, laughter and love.  It was perfect.

Even as I write this now, I can't help by marvel at how far we they have come; how far we have all come in some ways.

They were 1 month old in this picture.  I was sobbing. 

Yes, Michaela is wearing new clothes G'Ma and G'Pops bought her over her birthday dress. 

We can't imagine loving these two more.  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

23 Months and a Trip to the Beach

Way late on writing this post, but that's because we were having too much fun at the beach!  Life has been so crazy lately, so I have been trying to spend a little more time "living" the fun instead of just writing about it.

The girls LOVED the beach.  A week with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Michael, Aunt Kelly,  Sissy, Nana, Granddaddy, Mommy, Daddy, and a visit from G'Ma and G'Pops!!!  Life doesn't get much better than that.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Two, Two, Too Close to Two!

Twenty two months!  Just saying that they are 22 months, takes my breath away.  How has that much time passed?  How are they this close to being 2 years old?  I find myself constantly torn between encouraging them to grow and develop and trying to hold on to those last little bit of babies.

The girls are so much fun and have developed tremendously this past month.  They amaze us (and terrify us) with their climbing abilities.  Every surface and piece of furniture is a place to practice their skills from Little Gym.  They swing from the gates, hang from the edge of the table, walk on the ends of chairs, cannon ball in the bathtub- you name it, they do it!

They have made leaps and bounds in communicating too.  They no longer just point and say a singular word.  They are starting to put nouns and verbs together to make mini sentences and it has been fun having little conversations with them.  It is clear that they understand everything, which means we have to be a lot more careful about what we say and how we say it.

Perhaps the best part of all of this growing up is that they want to snuggle, hug and kiss with such intent.  Both girls have starting asking to "Rock-a-baby" every night.  We never rocked them to bed before, but find it impossible to resist their requests to do so now.  They also love to sit and snuggle for a few minutes at a time, give hugs and kisses and hold hands.  The duration is brief, but they do it with such intent and I can't get enough!

At just under 25lbs a piece they are still little peanuts.  They have been all caught up to their full-term peers for a while now, so it looks like we have a pair of dainty little girls on our hands--in size anyway!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

21 Months- Let me take a selfie!

21 months!  The girls are so much fun at this age!  They have learned so many new words and love communicating.  I love the mini conversations we can have now:

Me: Michaela, were you naughty for Tabby today?
Michaela: No, Reese!

Me: Time for a bath.
Reese: No clean. Bye bye, bath.

We have discovered a newfound love of condiments and dips, and sauces.  Turns out, I can get them to eat pretty much anything- so long as I put ketchup and barbecue sauce on their plates.  They continue to be food divas and will look at their condiment-free plate and ask for "mo sauce".  They love guacamole and hummus, but didn't think a whole lot of fresh Krispy Kreme donuts. I sometimes find myself having irrational conversations- "No, you can't have another apple.  Eat your donut please."
 Whose kids are these??

I'll smile for the camera, but I'm not eating this!

Really, Mom?  This is lame. 

The girls are obsessed with taking selfies.  Reese will take my phone and say "selfie?!?"- 21 months going on 21 years.

Twins selfie = twinsie

At the doctor with day 4 of a 102 fever.  Selfies really are the best medicine. 


Daddy educating his girls at Mount Vernon

I'm exhausted



Sunday, June 22, 2014

20 Months: A Whole Lot to Talk About

Twenty months seems so much older than 19 months. 20 months is way too close to two. 

The girls have made huge strides in their speech development and surprise us daily with what they understand and say. 

Goats are huge hit with our family (yes, really).  They love feeding them and I love letting them spend an hour entertained for free (and shopping the $.99 plant rack) at the local nursery. If I still ran my Local Loves blog, Cox nursery would certainly get big praise. 

Michaela finally says "Mama" and Reese calls me "Bapa," coincidentally, the same term she uses for "boobies." Whatever, I'll take what I can get. 

These little ladies are two bundles of spunk, but we are loving it! Girls, you make us fall in love more and more each day. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

19+ Months

Remember when I updated this blog every week?  Remember when I updated this blog every month?  Yeah, well let's just say that between work and two very mobile little ladies, I don't find much time for blogging these days.  Despite being extra busy, all is great here in our world.

The girls have been talking up a storm. They mimic almost everything I say…yet they still won't say "Mama" or "Mommy."  When I ask them to do so they just say "No!" or "Bye bye!"  Apparently "Butt Paste" and the names of our neighbors' dogs all fall in higher priority.  Stinkers.

The girls love accessories and strip me of all jewelry, coats, scarves, shoes and bags when I come home every day.  They model their hats and toy shoes and jewelry at every opportunity.

Both girls LOVE ice cream!  Who could blame them?

Michaela has developed a love of all animals!

Reese prefers a safe distance.

The girls continue to amaze us with all they are learning.  This month is my favorite so far!  I know I say that every month, and I hope I continue to say it.  These little love bugs just keep us falling more and more in love.