Sunday, June 22, 2014

20 Months: A Whole Lot to Talk About

Twenty months seems so much older than 19 months. 20 months is way too close to two. 

The girls have made huge strides in their speech development and surprise us daily with what they understand and say. 

Goats are huge hit with our family (yes, really).  They love feeding them and I love letting them spend an hour entertained for free (and shopping the $.99 plant rack) at the local nursery. If I still ran my Local Loves blog, Cox nursery would certainly get big praise. 

Michaela finally says "Mama" and Reese calls me "Bapa," coincidentally, the same term she uses for "boobies." Whatever, I'll take what I can get. 

These little ladies are two bundles of spunk, but we are loving it! Girls, you make us fall in love more and more each day.