Sunday, July 29, 2012

Showered Rotten

The past week has been a whirlwind of family and fun that was kicked off by the most wonderful baby shower I could have ever imagined.  Hosted by sweet Cristina, housed by Blair's parents, artistically enhanced by Marisa and attended by some of my closest family and friends- it was more than I could have ever imagined.  In a word, it was perfect!

My mom's creation- a fruit baby buggy :)

The dessert table complete with mini cupcakes and a sundae bar with homemade ice-cream, chocolate sauce and raspberry sauce.  Pregnant lady heaven.

Mom and I

Sarah and Krista

Cristina, Me, Marisa, and Sweet Baby Evie

Sissy and her closet full of baby clothes!  I think we know where Mom gets her creativity.  Too bad I didn't inherit this trait. 
23 week belly bump.


  1. congrats love! So excited for you!

  2. Oh it looks so great!!! And you look AMAZING! So fun that we're both having two girls! Have you all picked out names yet??
    Random thought - you are 23wks in these pictures, and we found out at 22wks we were having twins. How crazy is THAT?! lol
