Saturday, February 11, 2012

All Dogs go to Heaven

Before we found "the one," I had picked out his name.  Our new puppy would be named "Charlie" after the lead dog in "All Dogs go to Heaven."  When we arrived at the breeder, they brought out all of the puppies.  The puppies scurried around and I watched them play.  Then one tiny fuzz ball caught a glimpse of his reflection in the dishwasher, took two steps back, barked and then turned around and pooped on the floor.  I had had found "the one."  Thank goodness I didn't use the same standard to pick a husband!

Over the years his name "Charlie" was often nicknamed "Chuckie," "Charles Barkley," "Charlie Doggie," and "Baby".  He was the dog that loved jelly beans, and hated dog food; he stole magazines you were reading so you would chase him; sat on board games going on in the floor; barked at every boyfriend that even considered kissing me- this was a trait my father was especially fond of.

Sadly,  this week we had to say goodbye to our beloved Charlie. For fourteen years he had been far more than a pet.  He was a member of our family.

Do all dogs really go to Heaven?  I don't know, but I hope at least one did.  

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