30 Lessons for 30 Years
Thirty is just a few short days away. How in the hell did that happen?? Here are a few lessons I learned along the way. I thought it might be useful to write them down so I can look back from time to time now that I am all wise and mature and stuff. Like for real.
1. Time is a funny thing: four years of school flies by; while four days waiting for big news can seem like an eternity.
2. Time spent with a broken heart is time well invested, provided you are consciously willing to move on.
3. When a trusted friend wants to set you up on a date, go.
4. While Safeway brand salsa and Tostidos queso dip are not the healthiest choices, neither were the 10 drinks that lead you to this decision. Eat, drink and be merry and know that opportunities for late night pajama chats with your friend don’t last forever. Neither does your metabolism.
5. If you get the opportunity to travel with your mom, take it.
6. If you go out to dinner make sure you are able and willing to pay for your own meal. No steak dinner is worth an obligation.
7. Make at least one stupid financial decision in favor of something you love. Ahh that two-seater sports car was fun.
8. Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Just make sure there is a perfectly good parachute attached to your back.
9. There is a way to get your point across while being graceful, respectful and direct.
10. Never get a tattoo in a language you don’t speak or you may end up with a tattoo that reads “this idiot thinks this tattoo says ‘knowledge’ ” in Chinese. No, I don’t have a tattoo in any language.
11. When the warning label on your medication says “may cause sensitivity to sunlight,” read that as “you will get burnt to a crisp if you take this and lay unprotected on a beach while insisting that you don’t burn.” That sucked.
12. If a drink is served out of a trash can, don’t drink it. Even if the fraternity brother insists that the trash can is new.
13. Don’t get drunk on cheap gin. The hangover will be awful. Get drunk on the good stuff.
14. Know what time the metro closes, and know that you will probably not succeed at talking the engineering into making one last run.
15. Have money for a cab.
16. It is far better to say or do the wrong thing than to spend the rest of your life wondering what would happen.
17. Only buy shoes you can actually walk in…unless they are beautiful and you love them.
18. Keep your resume updated and a well-fitting suit clean and pressed.
19. Buy a good power drill.
20. There is nothing wrong with having no desire to go camping or run a marathon.
21. Take the time to go on a really great vacation.
22. Go after your dreams fiercely even if that means you have to work way more hours than your friends.
23. Be willing to accept that your dreams may change. That power career (noted in 23) didn’t seem all that appealing when it meant sacrificing everything else.
24. Learn how to drive a car with a manual transmission.
25. Cut yourself a little slack.
26. Only run to something, not from something.
27. When two people want a relationship, they will find a way to spend time together, even if it isn’t convenient. (A direct quote from Blair to a friend of mine. Swoon)
28. Reconsider your Facebook posts.
29. You may one day get (or get someone) pregnant. With twins. Start a savings account.
30. If you chose to marry, marry well.