Thursday, August 23, 2012

Waddle This Way

I will be 28 weeks tomorrow which means I will officially be in the in 3rd trimester.  We have entered the final countdown with less than 10 weeks until our scheduled C-section.   My doctor predicted, based on my frame, that I would need to go on modified bed rest at 28 weeks.  I remember thinking he was crazy.  I just knew I was tougher than that and that I would still be strutting my stuff all over town...

Turns out, I have traded my strut for a waddle and I grunt involuntarily every time I roll over.  I'm sexy and I know it!

Pay no mind to the Roomba. 

The babies are 2 lbs, 4 oz and 2 lbs, 3 oz and should be close to 15" a piece.  For all of you math wizards out there, I am now carrying 4 lbs, 7 oz and 30 inches of combined baby.  Baby A is still taking a horrible beating from her sister.  I can't imagine how gigantic I will surely become.

Overall, we are still doing well.  The babies are healthy and growing. I have slowed down BIG time, but I have not yet stopped.  Hopefully a few more weeks of waddling around before I park it on the couch until October.


  1. You are so stinkin' cute! Can't wait to see the waddle in person :)

  2. Hang in there! All the discomfort will be so worth it as soon as you meet those babies! xo

  3. You look amazing and even cuter in person! Great to see you and Blair this weekend.

  4. You look AWESOME Ash!!!! Great post:) I hope I get to see you soon.

  5. Love it!!! Can't believe there a 2 babies in there :) You look amazing, excited to catch up! Xoxo
