Happy Valentine's Day, unless of course you hate Valentine's Day, in which case, I'm sorry. I personally have a love-hate relationship with Valentine's Day. There are things I love about Valentine's such as Valentine's between grown ups and small children. There is nothing that melts my heart like the valentine we received from Connor (although, I think he had some help from his incredibly talented mom). I also love Valentine's Day for the fact that is my parents' anniversary. In my opinion, I am blessed with the greatest parents in the world and watching them love one another taught me how to love Blair. Lastly, I love that Blair and I have agreed to spend our Valentine's Day at home (well at home with Charlie), and have chocolate in sweat pants. Maybe it's because I'm married now, but squeezing myself into a pair of spanx on a Monday just doesn't float my boat.
Now for the things I HATE about Valentine's Day: first and foremost I hate how sad single people feel on Valentine's Day! Also, single guys do a pretty good job getting themselves in trouble with single girls. They don't need Valentine's Day thrown into the list of potential things to tick off a lady. Lastly, and this is a big one: I really really really hate how much flower shops mark up the prices of flowers. I do get it, supply and demand, but come on! If a guy wants to buy his lady some flowers, he shouldn't have to donate a kidney to do it!
There, that is my Valentine's Day summary. Love it or hate it, it will still be February 15th tomorrow all will be right in the world once more.
Love to all!
Ah February 15th....the day after Valentines Day and Andrew's birthday. My Valentines dinner the night before he was born was grilled cheese sandwich and tomatoe soup. That is the Valentines Day I remember most vividly.