Thursday, May 31, 2012

In the past few weeks...

In the past few weeks we have:

Gone wine tasting with a few wonderful friends.  Transportation provided by KUSS (Knocked Up Shuttle Service).

10 Weeks Pregnant
Had a few family dinners.  The adorable matching Hokie onesies were gifts from  Mike and Julie.

12 Weeks Pregnant
Celebrated Mother's Day!  I was treated to a lovely brunch by Ma and Pops (Blair's parents), attended a brunch for my Nana, and joined forces with Mike and Julie to cook dinner for my mom and Sissy.  Blair was in Japan and missed all the fun.

Card from Mikey and Julie.  Lame attempt at a belly shot.  13 weeks pregnant. 
 Spent a fun week in Mexico with Blair, my parents, Mike and Julie. Check out my Dad's "ups"!

Pregnant ladies can't jump.  15 weeks. wonder I'm so tired.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

9 Weeks and the Five-hour Nap

9 Weeks (April 14)

The past week has been a wonderful whirlwind.  We had an appointment with a high-res imaging center, so we got to see our babies again.  Both are growing quickly, and have strong heartbeats.    The reality that we are having twins has fully set in.  While we still have no clue how we are going to manage two infants, we are now confident that we will figure it out.  It’s funny how foreign it seemed to me that we were having twins when we first saw them.  Now, just a week later, I can’t imagine it any other way.  We are a family of four.  I have dubbed us the “4-H Club” as a reference to our “H” initial, and the barnyard our house will surely become.

Physically, this week has been up and down.  Friday was wonderful with no nausea!  Unfortunately, I have paid for it every day since then.  I plopped down on the couch on Saturday afternoon and Blair commented that if we started watching a movie before the Caps game started, we would be on the couch for 5 hours.  He was concerned about being sedentary for that long and I was worried that wouldn’t be enough time to rest up before dinner…

Monday, May 14, 2012

That Looks Like Two...

We had our first sonogram on Good Friday. I was so incredibly nervous walking in, and I couldn’t wait to hear our little monkey’s heart beating away in there.  I knew I just needed to hear it and then my mind would be put at ease that we had made it through the biggest hump of pregnancy.  Blair and I had an afternoon date planned which was to start out with a relaxing lunch and finish with a stroll around Middleburg, and maybe a later afternoon golf session.
We walked into our appointment and the doctor and nurse immediately put our minds at ease.  They were both wonderful, and I knew instantly that they were the right fit for us.  The nurse took the first few tests: weight, blood pressure, etc.  Then the doctor came in, asked us a few questions and proceeded with the start of the examination. 

The ultrasound was underway and it took a few heart-stopping minutes for him to find the right spot.  Meanwhile he continued to chat about the dos and don’ts of pregnancy.  Or at least I think he was; I was too focused on the monitor.  Then he said “Ok, here we go!”, and he flipped on a switch- and there was our baby: a nice little circle with a pretty blob right in the center.  And right next to our baby was our other baby.

Me: “Uhhh, that’s looks like two?”

Doctor: “Unless I’m seeing double, you are right.” 

Blair: Dead silent, stands up and places palm on forehead.  The color vanished from his face as he stared blankly into the screen. 

I started laughing and shaking and grabbed Blair’s hand because I thought he might faint.  My doctor then checked the heart beats of both babies, and thankfully both were beating strong.  He went on to say “We have a lot to talk about, but we will save that for another appointment.  I have been doing this long enough to know that you won’t remember a word I say from here on out.”  He was right. 

My great grandmother went to her grave asking when the twins were coming.  Omie now asks all the time when the babies are coming.  Remind me to ask Omie for her lotto picks.

About that relaxing lunch date we had planned…we did go to lunch, but we were so distracted, that we drove 20 minutes out of our way.  It was delicious, but we both stared blankly at each other and our plates.  Our heads were spinning.  I just kept laughing and Blair kept talking about how broke we are. 
Blair and I at a wine bar after lunch.  I figured he could use a drink.

The past few days were a whirlwind and an emotional rollercoaster.  We are nervous about caring for two babies, unsure what this will do to our careers and our financial situation, and overall thrilled that we are going to be a family of four.  I have laughed, I have woken up in a panic, I have cried out of fear, but now I am just focusing on growing two strong babies…which means I get to eat and sleep a lot more.

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Little Things

Why hello!  It has been a while since my last post...2 months actually, wow!  In case you haven't yet heard, Blair and I are expecting twins in October!  Pregnancy has been the only thing on my brain since we found out we were expecting, so I haven't posted anything for fear I would spill the beans too early.  However, I have been writing blog posts and saving them for when we were past the 12 week mark.

Here is the first one, written after we found out I was pregnant, but several weeks we found out that there were two buns in the oven!

"The Little Things" 
Post written on March 10, 2012

When I was a little girl, my mom used to say to me “Big things come in small packages.”  The older I get, the more I realize this is true. 
As it turns out, my biggest dreams have all revolved around the little things.  A little box contained the engagement ring Blair gave me when he asked me to be his wife.  The sales woman gave us a tiny little red house when we signed the contract for our first home together.  Now, there is a very little thing growing in my belly.  No bigger than a sesame seed, this little thing is a baby.  This little thing is a common little miracle, and the living embodiment of the dreams Blair and I have made together.

When I was a little girl, my mom used to say to me “Big things come in small packages.”  The older I get, the more I realize this is true. 

As it turns out, my biggest dreams have all revolved around the little things.  A little box contained the engagement ring Blair gave me when he asked me to be his wife.  The sales woman gave us a tiny little red house when we signed the contract for our first home together.  Now, there is a very little thing growing in my belly.  No bigger than a sesame seed, this little thing is a baby.  This little thing is a common little miracle, and the living embodiment of the dreams Blair and I have made together.