Sunday, August 21, 2011

Party Like a Rockstar

Phew...what a GREAT few weeks we have had.  My birthday was celebrated more than a few times with a wonderful dinner with my parents at Clyde's Willow Creek Farm, another wonderful dinner with Blair's parents at Tuscarora Mill, a fabulous dinner with my girls, a date night with Blair at American Eats which was followed up by a surprise hotel stay at the Mayflower.  I am one very very spoiled girl!  After all of that celebrating, Blair and I took off for Palm Beach, Florida on Wednesday where we stayed at The Breakers Hotel.  A girl could seriously get used to this...unfortunately, my waistline and credit card limits cannot.  Ah sigh... 

We had so much fun in Palm Beach spending time golfing (Ok, Blair golfed.  I pretended to golf for a few holes and walked around the course while he played...lessons are a requirement), hanging out at the beach, visiting his aunt Dianne and cousin John, and finally a night out with Blair's brother, Adam and his wife Luciane and our three nieces and nephews- Chase, Alexa and Bella.  John is the golf pro at The Breakers, so he is our incentive to stay there while we are in Florida...not that we needed a lot of convincing. 

We have been living the life of rockstars lately, and it has been so much fun.  However, it is nice to be home.  Except for the fact that one of our balcony doors was mysteriously open when we arrived home, which lead to a massive hunt through the house to see if anything had been stolen or if there was an axe murderer living in our closets.  Fortunately, so far, we have not found the axe murderer and nothing seems to be missing.  I suppose it was just blown open by the wind or something.  This certainly was not the welcome home we had hoped for.  Oh well, at least the house was still standing...after all of our repairs lately, I'm never quite sure it will be. 

We are looking forward to a little bit of time at home before the madness of Hokie football starts.  And I am super excited because we booked our one-year anniversary trip to PARIS today!!!!!  We will be going in November, and I am so so so excited!!! 

Here are some pics from this weekend! 

Dinner at Flagler Steakhouse

A little bit of us, a lot of The Breakers

Alexa the Princess

Chase the Prince

Chase and Alexa with "their baby" Bella

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