Sunday, July 29, 2012

Showered Rotten

The past week has been a whirlwind of family and fun that was kicked off by the most wonderful baby shower I could have ever imagined.  Hosted by sweet Cristina, housed by Blair's parents, artistically enhanced by Marisa and attended by some of my closest family and friends- it was more than I could have ever imagined.  In a word, it was perfect!

My mom's creation- a fruit baby buggy :)

The dessert table complete with mini cupcakes and a sundae bar with homemade ice-cream, chocolate sauce and raspberry sauce.  Pregnant lady heaven.

Mom and I

Sarah and Krista

Cristina, Me, Marisa, and Sweet Baby Evie

Sissy and her closet full of baby clothes!  I think we know where Mom gets her creativity.  Too bad I didn't inherit this trait. 
23 week belly bump.

Monday, July 9, 2012

21 Weeks

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our trip to Charleston, SC, but fortunately, we got a ton accomplished. Blair had to work Thursday and Friday, but since I had already taken the time off, I decided to use it to get a few things off the to-do and baby bucket lists.

Wednesday morning, Blair found me in a tailspin over the nursery.  Being the wonderful hubby and father-to-be that he is, he said "If you pick a paint color today, I will paint the nursery today."  I would have been crazy to pass that up!

Blair spent all day painting...poor guy. 

I supervised...poor guy. 

Thursday and Friday brought the delivery of the cribs (thank you G'Ma and G'Pops!), the ordering of the stroller (thank you Mom and Dad!).  I mixed in lunch with a friend and a day of shopping with my mom while Blair worked.  Again, poor guy.

Saturday was a boat trip with Nana and Granddaddy!  The babies either loved or hated the boat.  They were bonkers all day.

Finally, we wrapped up the weekend with a dinner at my parents' house with Mike and Julie. 

All of this, while growing this big ole' bump hill. 

 I need a nap. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Girl, Girl

I walked into the sonogram on Tuesday nervous, excited, thankful Blair was with me.  I was also certain.  I was certain that the baby on my left that curls up and sucks its little thumb was a boy, while the energetic maniac was a little girl (like her mother).  I had no doubts.  

It took approximately 15 seconds to be proven 50% wrong.  The ultrasound tech had barely placed the instrument on my belly, and with one quick slide, said "girl and girl!"  What?! No way!  

It's not that I wasn't excited about two girls, it is the idea of raising two women that scared the whits out of me.  I was also worried about Blair.  Would he be disappointed that we weren't having a boy?  He wasn't.  

Over the past few days, my mind has been spinning.  How am I going to do this?  How am I going to teach these two uninfluenced little angels all of the things they need to know to face this world?  How am I going to prevent them from growing up to become strippers, who get horrible tramp stamps, and marry guys who have hot rod cars, but no checking accounts?? And then it hit me... I am not.  Blair and I, along with our family, friends, and all of the people they will meet along the way will raise them and will teach them and will give them all of the things they need to grow up to be whomever they chose to become.  Hopefully, they chose not to become strippers.  

We will teach them that while they may look alike, share a birthday, and if they are identical, DNA.  However, they are two individual people.  We will teach them they can do anything they want if they are willing to work hard.  We will teach them to stand up for themselves, for each other, and for those who cannot stand up for themselves.  While we will likely give them princess tiaras, and all the magical things little girls love, they will not be damsels in distress.  They can do hard things.  They can face the things that scare them to death.  Blair and I, their grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, teachers, and all of the people that will make up their "village" will teach them that they can do great things.  

But for now, we will center on them becoming the two beautiful perfect baby girls that are the biggest blessing of our lives.  And I will spend my days dreaming of ruffled bloomers, and tutus.  Because for just a little while, they get to be little.