Wednesday, March 12, 2014

17 months

I'm not sure what it was about this past month.  Maybe it was because the girls stayed healthy and happy.  Maybe it was because I have known that I was going back to work and that my time as a stay at home mom is growing small (more on that later).  Maybe it was a combination of many things, but this past month has been my absolute favorite so far with the girls.

They are growing up so fast and are so full of life.  They give big kisses with intent and purpose and giggle with such pure joy.  They are turning into amazing little people and I simply can't get enough of them.

Michaela now runs and dances and sings her little heart out.  Her vocabulary is expanding daily.  She remains to be an easy peazy little girl that loves carrying Mama's purse, talking to her animals, running into my arms and showing off all of her tricks.  She's adorable…just ask her!

First Haircut…fail
Not even a lollypop will make me forgive you!

I  was drafting this post in my mind and was prepared to say that while Reese is starting to get braver, she still thinks walking is a trick, rather than a mode of transportation…but that all seemed to change today!  We were out in the alley last night playing with some of the big kids.  Reese refused to be carried and walked all the way down the street just holding my hand.  Today she was so excited to show off her new moves!  I am so thrilled for her!  She seems so proud of herself, and we are so proud of her for her big bravery.  She is such a sweet, determined little girl!
I mean, it's not that big of a deal, Michaela

And I'm off!!!!!  

We love you so much little girls!