10 months! These girls have made big changes this month: including switching personalities. We went to the beach and came back with two totally different babies. Maybe it was something in the water.
Pardon the freakish bruise. Casualty of parenthood. |
Reese has gone from being our baby that loves to be a baby into a baby that wants to be 25. She pivots on her belly breakdancer style and then log rolls until she gets what she wants. She is into
everything and you can't take your eyes off of her. She has a brand new tooth on the upper deck and has mastered solid foods. Bottles and diaper changes are a wrestling match. She is still adorable and sweet, but she has earned herself the new nickname of "Reesie the Rascal."
Who me? |
Monthly bear picture. Sort of. |
Ok fine, I'll pose! |
See ya! |
This is how I keep them contained while I shower. I knew I'd find a use for that giant soaking tub eventually. |
Michaela has turned into our shy baby girl. She isn't quite so sure about strangers and loves be carried around all the time. She gets quite insulted if we leave her alone for a few minutes. She hasn't quite figured out the crawling thing, but gets around by scooting on her bottom. She is pulling herself up and may go straight to walking. Heaven help us all. She has a whopping four top teeth now and two bottom. She is generally sleeping better and we are readying her brand new room. Girl gets what she wants.
The best I could do. |
Get me Mommy! |
Chaela Bug! |
How we love these two sweet, crazy babies!